The trustees are happy to consider the applications for a wide range of requirements for items or services to help make the lives of the applicants more comfortable and fulfilled.
We can receive applications direct from the applicant/recipient but we also receive referrals for grants from a number of sources, including health professionals, nursery staff, teachers and a wide range of community support groups.
The main conditions for being eligible for a grant are:
The recipient of the grant must live in the Parish of Great Marlow: Click here to see a map of the Parish.
The recipient of the grant is an individual or a family; we are unable to provide grants for clubs, societies or businesses.
The recipient is unable to pay for the item/service themselves due to financial constraints.
The grants must be for an item/service and is paid direct to the item/service provider - it cannot be taken as a cash grant.
If you are not sure if you are eligible or have any additional questions about eligibility, please email us at: applications@myersmarlow.org
If you're looking to submit an application for a grant, the application process is as follows.
Application form completed online or by hand.
Trustee assigned to assess application, normally involving a home visit in person to discuss the details of the application.
Trustee makes a recommendation to the board of trustees regarding the application, outlining what is required and whether the applicant is eligible for a grant.
The board of trustees make a majority decision to award a grant.
The Fund pays supplier directly for the goods or services provided.
All information provided is dealt with in the strictest confidence, in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All information provided as part of the application process is held under GDPR.
The easiest way to apply for the grant is to fill out our online forms.
Please ensure you select the relevant form below!
Fill this form out if you applying for the grant for yourself.
If you have access to a computer or smart phone, then the easiest way to fill out the form is online.
However, if you would prefer to print off the form and fill it out by hand, then please select the relevant form below.
Fill this form out if you are filling out the form on behalf of the grant applicant (e.g. you are a healthcare professional or carer).
Forms must be posted to:
Myers Marlow Benevolent Fund
FAO Mark Gloyens (Private & Confidential)
C/O Rebellion Beer Company
Bencombe Farm
Marlow Bottom